Sea glass.....bits of broken glass smoothed by years of polishing by sand and salt water. Much like we are polished and smoothed by the years of our lives.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


So glad its Thursday! What a long, boring day. We wore Dr Stubbs tee shirts today and we all looked smashing in pink. Rick took a group photo since he was with us at lunchtime. Trying now to decide whether to email it or make a hard copy and send it to Dr Stubbs with a thank you note.

Went down to Bayou Blues this evening for a sandwich. Such a cool place. Dimly lit and "rustic" ...its a winner in my book. One place where , if I went by myself, Im sure I wouldnt be lonely. Everyone is friendly and kinda like "Cheers" everyone knows your name. I like that. A good down home feeling. Some good musicians tonight too. Gotta love Thursdays at Bayou Blues!

Obviously, this blog is turning more into a journal for me, rather than a site for anyone else to read because I'm only writing whats been going on day by day. There are no profundities or deep secrets to share....just " I woke up this morning and this is what happened". So, if you are the least bit interested..pop me a post...and if not...well, then dont read me :) . It matters not to me one way or the other.

Snow is coming to NWFL according to the weather gurus. Snow is in the forecast for tomorrow. If it does snow, school will be cancelled, only because no one down here knows how to drive in the muck. It doesnt bother me to drive in it, but its been a long time and I really dont want to share the sidewalk with anyone who doesnt know how to maneuver on the ice.

Typing and listening to Fox News. I know its time for bed because words are going in one ear and leaking out the other.

C'mon sweet friend....I have two treats and a nice, fat murder mystery to read. "Click"

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